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Xenon 2 - Megablast

Xenon 2 - Megablast



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In 12 Menus


1989 by Image Works
1989 by Image Works
1991 by Mirror Image


Similar Game

Screenshot of Goldrunner



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doctor shred
This is THE scrolling shoot 'em up on the ST. An awesome game. From the intro .MOD to the in-game graphics and playability this is first class.

How many joysticks met their doom because of this game? It was and is really punishing to play.
December 12, 2007
Really great boxart. (I'm serious. It's very avant-garde.)
February 2, 2007
Very very very hard shoot em up. Bitmap brothers sat down and write a game which is the best in its genre for the ST. It really looks like a console game Smiley Graphics and animations are excellent. Intro music is very good, sound in game is OK but the gameplay really suffers if you play for some hours. It is so hard to even get to lvl 2! Nevertheless its a game to be remembered Smiley

Graphics 10
Sound 9
Gameplay 7
Overall 8+
July 26, 2006
The Paranoid
This is it ... The Bitmap brothers redefined vertically scrolling shoot'em ups with this one.

Graphics, music, gameplay, everything fits.
A classic that can't be missed.
January 3, 2006

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