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Baby Jo in Going Home

Baby Jo in Going Home



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In 21 Menus


1991 by Loriciel



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ST Graveyard
Although the game was just to slow in some places, I enjoyed playing this classic. I've booted this one up quite a lot. Most memorably were of course the sound effects of little Joe, and lets not forget the scream when he catches fire ... Funny. Apart from that, it is a true platformer, with vast levels ...

... and an annoying main theme Smiley
August 9, 2005
Baby Jo is lost in the countryside, far from town, far from his home and far from his mother. Luckily, Baby Jo is a ressourceful child. First of all, his innate sense of direction will always lead him home. What's more, his friendly nature will help him make lots of friends.

But above all, he's a baby like any other: he cries when he is hurt, smiles when he finds his favorite things, screams when he gets burned, shows his satisfaction after a good meal, is sad when he falls, and sucks his thumb when he is bored.
June 20, 2004

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