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Gobliins 2

Gobliins 2



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In 12 Menus


1992 by Coktel Vision



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I won a competition in Atari ST Games to design a charater for this game. I sent in my design, named him after the magazine editor (who I think was called Jason) and won. However, I never received my prize, which was supposed to be a trip to Paris. I also never got to see whether or not my character was really included in the game, I would love to find out. Smiley
December 8, 2006
ST Graveyard
Hilarious puzzle/adventure game by Coktel Vision. This is something really special. Everytime I watch the intro I get tears in my eyes from laughter.

Lead the main characters Fingus and Winkle through all the sreens. Teamwork is necesarry.

Superb colorfull graphics and great sampled sound, I wish there were more games like this on the ST! some of the puzzles are a bit hard and unrealistic, but the net is crawling with solutions...

Also notice that the number of "i's" in the title of the game represents the number of characters you play with. The first game was called "Gobliiins" and had 3 main characters.
October 8, 2004

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