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Did you know Atari Legend is fully responsive and mobile ready? You want this site to behave like an app on your phone or tablet? Simply open the site in your favorite browser and look for the 'Add to homescreen' button. In Safari on IOS, first press the 'share' icon, then the "Add to home screen" pop-up appears. In Chrome on Android, you press the button at the top right, and select 'add to homescreen'. Once you have done this, the famous Atari bee fits nicely on your homescreen and you can enjoy AL with the tap of a finger.

Screenshot of Titus The Fox - To Marrakech and Back
Random review

The release of Titus the Fox is also a bit of a confusing one. I remember my friend, who had a 386 PC back in the day, coming up to me during lunchbreak at school, telling me about this new cool platformer he acquired called Moktar. I never heard of it, but decided that, after schoolbell rings, I would go check it out at his home. When I saw the game, I couldn't believe my eyes. This was exactly like the screenshots of Titus the Fox I saw in my magazine. Even the title screen was completely the same apart from the depiction of the main character. And it was kinda fun to play as well...even on a PC ... without soundblaster ... and with keyboard (for crying out loud).

December 18, 2017 by ST Graveyard

Read the review of Titus The Fox - To Marrakech and Back

Did you know?

In 1984, Atari posted losses of $536 million as a result of the videogame market crash.

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